Grizzly Band WebMaster

  • Band Happenings week of 03/06/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 03/06/23 Important Upcoming Dates: Wednesday, March 8th U.S. Marine Fife & Drum Corps. performance—optional field trip Please refer to email from Mr. Morris for complete details. Thursday, March 9th Early Spring Concert – ALL Bands (except Jazz Bands I & II) Students should arrive @6:30pm for 7pm concert in GPAC.…

  • Band Happenings week of 02/27/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 02/27/23 Important Upcoming Dates: Friday, March 3rd     CWU Band Festival—Wind Ensemble (Concert attire required.) Please refer to email from Mr. Morris for complete details. Students & Chaperones should arrive at GP by 7:15am to load busses and leave for Ellensburg at 7:30. Thank you Chaperones!! If anything changes and…

  • Band Happenings week of 02/20/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 02/20/23 Important Upcoming Dates: Thursday, Feb 23rd     Disney Trip Info Meeting—Chaperones only* 7 – 8pm GP Band Room (*Disney Trip ALL parent meeting is scheduled for March 15th @6pm) Thursday, March 3rd     CWU Band Festival—Wind Ensemble (concert attire required) Please refer to email from Mr. Morris for complete…

  • February 2023

    Feb-2023-Budget-Report.pdf Cash-Flow-February-2023.pdf

  • Band Happenings week of 02/13/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 02/13/23 Important Upcoming Dates: Tuesday, Feb 14th    PNWMF @ UW—Wind Ensemble (concert attire required) Thank you Chaperones! Students and Chaperones should arrive at GP Band Room 7 – 7:15am. Busses will load depart for UW at 7:30am. Please remember to bring a sack lunch or money to purchase lunch…

  • Band Happenings week of 02/06/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 02/06/23 Thank you for your patience. Attendance/Points updated through January 31st. To letter in Band, you must have 150 points and play at FIVE (5) home basketball games.  Important Upcoming Dates: Friday, Feb 10th  Girls BBall playoff game – Grizzly Pep Band* Students should arrive at 6:30pm. Tip-off is at…

  • Band Happenings week of 01/23/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 01/23/23 BIG thank you to the parent volunteers who worked the concession stand at the basketball games last Wednesday. We appreciate your time and support of the GP Band Program. HUGE thank you to everyone who helped to make the Swing Dance a success with a record number of attendees,…

  • Volunteers needed for Band Fundraiser Wed 1/18

    Wednesday, Jan 18th  4pm – 9 pm THREE (3) VOLUNTEERS needed parents OR band students not playing in Grizzly Pep Band Assist in running the concession stand during both basketball games This is an easy fundraiser that directly supports your GP Band Program. Signup Here!

  • Band Happenings week of 01/16/23

    GPHS Band Happenings Week of 01/16/23 Important Upcoming Dates: Wednesday, Jan 18th  Grizzly Pep Band* will play at two games. Girls BBall vs Kamiak – Tip-off is at 5:15pm. Boys BBall vs Kamiak – Tip-off is at 7:15pm. Students should arrive at 4:30pm. Attendance will be taken in the hallway outside the Band Room. *Grizzly…

  • January 2023 Minutes
