Band Happenings week of 02/12/24

Hello GP Band Families!

Below is a list of upcoming events to put on your calendar. Stay current with the GP Band Happenings by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram or visit

Important upcoming DATES: 
Tuesday, February 13th   6:30-9pm**
Grizzly Pep Band 
BBB District 1 Playoff Game—Students should arrive to the Band Room by 6:30pm and check in for attendance. Grizzly Pep Band will head over to the gym prior to the start of the game. Required uniform is Grizzly Band T-shirt.

Tuesday, February 13th  7-8:30pm  GP Band Room
ALL are welcome 
Band Booster Board Meeting

**District 1 Playoffs continue Thursday, Friday, & Saturday**
These additional games/dates/location TBD by outcome of each game.
Information will be posted on FacebookInstagram, and

Friday, February 23rd   
Travel Ensemble – 2nd Silverwood Payment Due 
Students participating in this year’s optional Band Trip to Silverwood Friday, May 17th-Sunday, May 19th need to make a 2nd payment of $150 by Friday, February 23rd. Payments must be paid to the GPHS Bookkeeper online or in person by this date. Please refer to the email from Mr. Morris for complete details including permission slips and itinerary. Final $150 payment due Friday, March 29th.

Saturday, March 2nd  

Wind Ensemble 
Central Washington University Wind Festival—Students, Chaperones, and Instrument Transportation Volunteers should arrive at GPHS at 11am to load instruments and busses and be ready to depart for Ellensburg ASAP. For complete details and itinerary, please refer to the email from Mr. Morris. Permission slips due Friday, February 23rd. Volunteer needs: Bus Chaperones (2) will help coordinate loading and unloading of busses and Instrument Transportation Volunteers (1-2) needed to help transport larger instruments to and from Ellensburg. Visit to signup.  


If you have any questions, please email the GP Band Boosters at Thank you for supporting your band students and the GP Band Program.


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