Band Happenings/Parent Meeting Recap

Welcome new and returning band students and families! Thank you to everyone who attended the Parent Meeting this past Tuesday. We hope it was helpful and informative.

For this first official Band Happenings of the school year, we’d like to highlight a few important details touched on by our Band Director, Mr. Morris, during the Parent Meeting and provide concert uniform information from our Uniform Coordinator, Sarah McKinney. One of the most important needs for every member of the band program is the concert uniform that will be worn for most performances throughout the year.

General performance information and concert uniform requirements are listed below by band class. Unless otherwise noted all concerts take place in the Glacier Peak Performing Arts Center (GPAC) at 7pm. The GPHS Band Calendar includes most performance dates for the school year. Please note that all future performances dates are subject to change or cancellation.

Going forward, Band Happenings (weekly emails from the Band Boosters) will typically come out on Mondays. Please be sure to read the emails as they contain important information on upcoming band events and booster related items. Although initially it may seem that these emails are geared towards Grizzly Band, they do include items relevant to the entire GP Band Program. Grizzly Band is most active during the Fall Semester. Questions regarding your band student or your band student’s band class should be sent directly to Mr. Morris at

Email is our primary method of communication. At the beginning of each school year, we update our database and distribution list with most current information for both new and returning band students. If you, your student, or another guardian is not receiving our emails, or if an email address needs to be changed, please email the boosters at

The band website has been updated to be a HUB for GP Band Program information. The front page highlights the current Band Happenings and upcoming band events. The menu will guide you to the full band calendar, band FAQ, and volunteer opportunities. In addition, you can stay current with the GP Band information by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram.


Below you will find performance and concert uniform information listed by band class. Please email concert uniform questions or concerns to

**Special note re: Concert Dresses
The boosters have a sizing line for the concert dresses. If you need help determining what size to order, please have your student come to the Band Room at one of the times listed below for a dress fitting. (If your student was fitted for a Concert dress during Band Camp, you will be receiving a separate email with your student’s size and dress style selection.) Any student can choose to wear the slacks/shirt option listed for their band class instead of a concert dress.

  • Friday, September 15th after school (12:15 pm – 12:45 pm)
  • Monday, September 18th during Grizzly Period
  • If you are unable to make it to either of these, please email as soon as possible and we will arrange a time for a dress fitting.

These bands will have 4 concerts this year Fall (October 19th), Winter (December), Early Spring (March), and Spring (May). Percussion Ensemble will attend several band events off campus beginning with the “Elementary Tour” of South Snohomish School District elementary schools on Wednesday, October 4th. Watch for complete details regarding this field trip from Mr. Morris.

**Concert Uniform Requirements for Concert Band & Symphonic Band
Option 1: Black dress slacks, a black long-sleeved button-down shirt (must be tucked in), black belt, black socks and solid black dress shoes. All to be acquired by student on their own.

Option 2: Your choice of two full length black dress options provided, black tights or nylons, and solid black dress shoes. Dresses may be altered for sizing needs only (hem and/or taken in). No other alterations are allowed. No other dresses allowed. The dress cost is between $67-$79. The boosters will place a bulk order for these. Order Deadline September 19. Click here for dress descriptions, sizing chart, and link to order form.

**Concert Uniform Requirements for Percussion Ensemble
Black custom Polo shirt, to be ordered through the boosters, ($39-$47), must be tucked-in. Black slacks, black dress belt, black dress socks, and solid black dress shoes (all to be acquired by student on their own). Order Deadline September 19. Click here to place an order  

WIND Ensemble (by audition in May)
A performance-based class, this band will attend several band events and festivals off campus throughout the school year in addition to the following concerts Fall (October 19th), Halloween (October 30th) Winter (December), Early Spring (March), and Spring (May). Their first off campus event will be the “Elementary Tour” of South Snohomish School District elementary schools on Wednesday, October 4th. Watch for complete details regarding this field trip from Mr. Morris.

**Concert Uniform Requirements for Wind Ensemble
Option 1: Black tuxedo, white long-sleeved button-down shirt with a black tie (no vest or cummerbund is necessary), black socks, and solid black dress shoes. All to be acquired by student on their own.

Option 2: Your choice of two full length black dress options provided, black tights or nylons and solid black dress shoes. Dresses may be altered for sizing needs only (hem and/or taken in). No other alterations are allowed. No other dresses allowed. The dress cost is between $67-$79. The boosters will place a bulk order for these. Order Deadline September 19. Click here for dress descriptions, sizing chart, and link to order form.

JAZZ Bands I & II (zero hour/auditions in progress)
Jazz I is the top performing jazz ensemble. Jazz II is a preparatory jazz ensemble and may include non-traditional jazz instruments. These bands will attend several band events and festivals off campus throughout the school year in addition to their 3 concerts Fall (November 8th), Winter (January), and Spring (June). Their first off campus event is possibly the “Northshore Jazz Festival” in November. However, complete details have not been announced by the host. Watch for complete details regarding this field trip from Mr. Morris when it becomes available. GP Jazz Bands with help from the GP Band Boosters and parent volunteers will host a Swing Dance in January and a Jazz Festival in May. More information on these events and volunteer opportunities will be in a future Band Happenings.

**Concert Uniform Requirements for Jazz I
Option 1: Black tuxedo, white long-sleeved button-down shirt with a black tie (no vest or cummerbund is necessary), black socks, and solid black dress shoes. All to be acquired by student on their own.

Option 2: Your choice of two full length black dress options provided, black tights or nylons and solid black dress shoes. Dresses may be altered for sizing needs only (hem and/or taken in). No other alterations are allowed. No other dresses allowed. The dress cost is between $67-$79. The boosters will place a bulk order for these. Order Deadline September 19. Click here for dress descriptions, sizing chart, and link to order form.

**Concert Uniform Requirements for Jazz II
Option 1: Black dress slacks, a black long-sleeved button-down shirt, black belt, black socks and solid black dress shoes. All to be acquired by student on their own.

Option 2: Your choice of two full length black dress options provided, black tights or nylons, and solid black dress shoes. Dresses may be altered for sizing needs only (hem and/or taken in). No other alterations are allowed. No other dresses allowed. The dress cost is between $67-$79. The boosters will place a bulk order for these. Order Deadline September 19. Click here for dress descriptions, sizing chart, and link to order form.

GRIZZLY Band (marching & pep bands)
This band is the “face” of the GP Band Program and is considered an ASB Club. They march at home football games, parades, and home basketball games. There is a membership fee associated with this band to cover costs for music, transportation, and special instructors. If your student is not currently a member of the Grizzly Band, they will need permission from Mr. Morris to join. Only Grizzly Band members can letter in band.


If you have any questions, please email the GP Band Boosters at Thank you for supporting your band students and the GP Band Program.


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