Grizzly Band Camp is next week!!

Hello Grizzly Band Families!

Band Camp is less than 1 week away! We just wanted to reach out and share a few more important details about Grizzly Band Camp including volunteer needs, what to bring to camp, info about individual band photos, first day arrival times, and Friday Fun.  

A BIG thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer and/or bring frozen treats next week during Grizzly Band Camp. We can’t do this without you. However, more volunteers are needed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to help with uniform fittings.

Grizzly Band currently has over 90 members that will need to be fitted for uniforms. Assigned uniforms need to be labeled and organized for use at all Grizzly Band events starting with picture day on Friday. In addition, Mr. Morris has asked for extra parent volunteers to be on hand daily from noon – 1pm when students have their lunch break and the photographer has asked for extra parent volunteers to be on hand to help organize students for section and individual photos.

This can't happen without the support of many parent volunteers. This year, the GP Band Boosters are using SignUp Genius to post volunteer and donation needs for various booster sponsored events throughout the year. Click HERE to sign up to volunteer or donate.

**THIS THURSDAY (August 3rd) 6:30 – 8:30pm GP Band Room. VOLUNTEERS needed to help organize clean band uniforms for next week’s uniform fittings.**

WHAT to bring to camp:
Much of band camp will be spent outside. So, students should be prepared to be in the sun by wearing sunscreen and bringing a refillable water bottle, sunglasses, hat, and extra sunscreen for their friend that forgot. Closed toe shoes must be worn during band camp.

Students will be fitted for uniforms sometime during the first few days of camp. Students should wear shorts and a t-shirt for this. The uniforms can be easily fitted over these clothes and the process will move much more quickly if students can try on over their clothes. It takes a few tries sometimes to get the best fit!

If your student is registered for a band class for school they will also have the option to be fitted for a required concert uniform dress (one of 3 options). Students have the option to wear either the concert uniform dress or pant option uniform for their specific band. More details on uniform requirements will be emailed out during the week of camp.

If you requested an individual band photo during Grizzly Band registration, watch your email for information from our photographer, Jason Kim. He will be reaching out to you directly with more picture day information and instructions on how to pre-pay for your individual band photo. In order to make a smooth transition from group, to section, to over 70 individual photos AND make the best use of Jason’s time on Friday, pre-payment is strongly encouraged and appreciated. The cost for individual photos is $30. In addition, please make sure your student knows you have requested and paid for an individual band photo.

Important details FIRST DAY and FRIDAY FUN:
Monday August 7th – Friday, August 11th
8:00am—4:00pm with a 1-hour break for lunch
Attendance will be taken each day. Students should plan to arrive by 7:45am to allow time to check-in and head down the practice field to begin rehearsal at 8:00am. (Please remind your student to check-in each day. Attendance points = Letter points)

**The first day of Band Camp (Monday, August 7th) arrival times will be different: 

7:30am >>Student Leadership Council (Drum Majors, Quartermasters, and Section Leaders)

8:00am-12:00pm >> ALL Freshmen and Students new to GPHS Grizzly Band

noon-1:00pm >> LUNCH break

1:00pm-4:00pm >> ALL Grizzly Band Members

**Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 

8:00am-4:00pm >> ALL Grizzly Band Members (LUNCH break noon-1:00pm)

**The last day of Band Camp (Friday, August 11th) will be special: 

8:00am >> Picture Day (watch for info from the photographer re: individual photos)

2:00pm >> Preview Show & Ice Cream Social for friends and families


Stay current with the GP Band Happenings by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram or visit

If you have any questions, please email the GP Band Boosters at Thank you for supporting your band students and the GP Band Program.



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